Linear Assets (6) – Service Requests

Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by maximosecrets

This article shows how a linear asset is used in the Service Requests application, and in the Create/View Service Requests applications.

Service Requests Application – Linear Segment Details

If you are working on a linear asset in applications like Service Requests, Work Order Tracking, Preventive Maintenance, Routes or Condition Monitoring, the Linear Segment Details section will appear to help you locate the linear segment or point where work is to take place. 

I’ve created a new Service Request 1239 with a description of “Pothole in the left lane just after MP 30”. I’ve also added the ROAD WORK classification.

Further down the Service Request tab I’ve added linear asset I-95N in the BEDFORD site, the Asset Site field. When you enter a linear asset to the asset field the Feature and Feature Label fields appear beneath it, I’ll come back to this in a moment.

Scrolling further down the Linear Segment Details section will be found. This allows you to reference where on the linear asset the issue exists. In this case the pothole is 142.00 FEET past the Reference Point MP 30 and 25.00 FEET to the left (negative value) of the MIDLINE Y Reference point. A pothole would be a point on the linear asset and so you need to provide the same information in the End column, otherwise the pothole would be considered to run from just after MP 30 through to the end of the linear asset, another 70+ miles.

The ROAD WORK classification is a good example where one of its attributes LINACT – Linear Activity has a Data Type of TABLE and references a table domain (LINEARJP) to lookup Job Plans. From the Select Value I selected job plan 401 – Spot Patching.

In the Service Requests application, I used the action Create Work Order and work order 1483 was created with the relationship type of FOLLOWUP. The specification from the Service Request is copied over to the work order including the attribute value for job plan 401. Note the Job Plan field is not automatically filled as the MAXDEMO SR 1145 and work order 1146 implies.

In the Work Order Tracking application if the asset is a linear asset, then the Linear Segment Details section is also shown, and for work order 1483 the measures and reference points are copied from the Service Request. Note, this does not use the standard crossover domain TICKET2WO.

I’ve duplicated the Service Request and the same Linear Segment Details are copied to the new SR 1240, the classification and its specification values have also been copied.

On the duplicated Service Request 1240 I am selecting the GANTRY-LCD feature and its label into the Feature and Feature Label fields positioned between the Asset and Location.

The asset feature measurements for the feature “LCD Gantry after MP 30” are copied to the Service Request, at 4,200 FEET past Reference Point MP 30 and 30.80 MILES from the start of I-95N.

If you use the Create Work Order action a work order is created, 1484 in my case, and the Feature and Feature Label are also copied – LCD Gantry after MP 30. 

Service Requests – Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs

You can also make multiple references to the same (or different) linear assets on the same Service Request.

I’ve created another Service Request, 1241, with description of “Potholes in I-95N between MP 30 and MP 40”.

I’ve referenced the principle linear asset in the Asset field, I-95N, and in the Start Reference Point entered MP 30, and MP 40 for the End Reference Point.

On the Service Request I’ve created three records in the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs table window. These are the potholes that need to be fixed, I’m showing the 3rd record at a Reference Point Offset of 240.00 FEET. In each case the I-95N asset is referenced with an offset from Reference Point MP 30.

You may choose to use a Sequence number to order the records and either the Target Description or Comment to give a textual indication of where the pothole will be found.

When using the Create Work Order action the records created are dependent on the setting of the Create WO Options field (CREATEWOMULTI) this defaults to MULTI which creates records in the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs table on the work order. The other options to create Child Work Orders or Top-Level Work Orders can be used, although I think unlikely in this use case. The ability to create Task Work Orders should not be used as linear assets is not supported on a task.

Notice that on the Work Order Tracking application that when the Multiple Assets, Locations and CIs window references a linear asset that the Progress table window is shown. When performing work on points on the linear asset, as in the case of potholes, it is likely that you only mark progress when you have completed the work and you would use the Mark Progress checkbox in the Multiple Assets, Locations ad CIs table window. However, if you were resurfacing the road or clearing the banks of the road of scrub and small trees over a linear distance then you will want to report progress, probably at the end of each day and this is what the Progress table window is used for. This will be covered in the article Linear Assets (8) – Work Orders, as the Progress table window operates in the same way between a Service Request and a Work Order.

Create Service Requests

The Feature and Feature Label fields and the Linear Segment Details section will be found in the Create Service Request and View Service Request applications in the Self-Service Service Request module.

When you use the Create Service Request application and go to select a linear asset you may find that the Select Value is set to only select assets and locations according to whether the user is defined as a user or custodian of the asset or location. The Select Value Filter By field will be set to User/Custodian and this field is marked as read-only. In Database Configuration you’ll find that the value is set by the default value of !USERCUST! on the attribute SR.ASSETFILTERBY, but it can be modified to one of the values in the associated synonym domain of the same name, ALL and PUBLIC are the other two options.

In the Assets application for asset I-95N in the action Associate Users and Custodians I’ve added Mike Wilson (WILSON) as a User so that I can select I-95N into the Assets field.

When the Asset field references a linear asset, this makes the Feature and Feature Label and below this the Linear Segment Details section appear. I’ve selected the GANTRY-SIGN feature, the Road sign for MD 202, and the Reference Points and Measures are populated from the asset feature record. It is possible to change the offsets and measures in the Linear Segment Details section.

View Service Requests

The View Service Requests application also exposes the Feature and Feature Label fields if the asset field references a linear asset. Service Request 1247 was the one created when I submitted the record in the Create Service Request application.

The View Service Requests application also shows the Linear Segment Details section to explain where along the linear asset the service is required. In this application all these fields are read-only.

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