
A structural element of a Maximo database that is used for data separation. A site belongs to one organization. Site identifiers (SITEID) are unique across a whole Maximo database.

A Site may represent a single physical site where assets exist. A Site may be a whole territory, or country where there are many physical locations where assets exist. Locations, Assets, Storerooms and Work Orders all exist at the SITE level in Maximo. You cannot link locations to other locations that belong to different sites, you cannot have an asset hierarchy where the assets exist in different sites, all the work order in a work hierarchy must belong to the same site and the work can only be performed on the assets and locations in the same site.

The Site is being used to separate data from the data in another Site. Think of a set of islands where there are no bridges or tunnels connecting the assets or locations on each site. Work is only performed on each island. The same work performed on multiple islands by the same person will require multiple work orders. Those work orders might be linked together through another entity for example the same Service Request, but they cannot exist in a work package of work orders.