My Favourites

This page shows my favourite posts. They may not be the most popular, but I certainly enjoyed the research and writing process. It only includes items that will not be found elsewhere in the top menu. Figures in brackets are the all time number of views. Last updated 4th September 2022.

Why did IBM acquire The Weather Company?

On 28th October 2015 at the time of the announcement that IBM was to acquire The Weather Company I was an IBMer. It certainly seemed a strange acquisition, but knowing that asset deterioration and performance can be effected by weather, that the efficiency of field working and worker safety are similarly affected my reaction was…

Maximo and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

GDPR is all about the privacy of personal data and GDPR comes into force across the European Union and EEA countries on the 25th May 2018. The potential fines for failure to follow the regulations could amount to 4% of an organizations worldwide annual turnover. GDPR gives an individual the right to know what personal…

Multisite Considerations

There are several considerations to bear in mind when defining whether Maximo should have multiple Organizations or multiple Sites. Bear in mind that one organization and one site is the simplest data model to follow, multiple organizations and sites will add complexity and you should be aware of what you can and can’t do in…

“To tool, or not to tool? That is the question.”

A tool is something used to service an asset, it is not a spare part or materials, they are items. A Tool is a type of item. It has two supporting applications Tools and Stocked Tools which look similar to Item Master and Inventory applications which are used with the Item type. Tools and Items…

Non-Linear Dynamic Job Plans

Introduction Dynamic Job Plans was introduced in Maximo Many who would be asked whether Dynamic Job Plans is relevant to them would say, no, because we don’t have linear assets. Others might say that this is only used with assets. Not true on both counts, dynamic job plans can be used by every Maximo…