Maximo Application Maps (8 of 9) Resources

Last Updated on November 19, 2022 by maximosecrets

ResourcesThe Resources module is a sub-module of the Administration module.


A person is someone who is referenced in a Maximo application and a person record must be created before a labor or user record is created. A labor record is someone who is assigned and performs work. You can actually create a new person record at the same time as creating a new labor record. A user is someone who needs to log in to Maximo.

When creating a new person, labor or user record consideration should be given to the identity of the record and the privacy of the information it contains. These records are used in many places across Maximo and the identity, as with all key fields in Maximo, cannot be changed once it has been created. The person field might be an auto-keyed value in order to better conform to current regulations on privacy.

When entering a new person record the first and last names are entered, and the display name is generated as a combination of the two. The display name is shown in most places across Maximo and has the advantage of being able to be changed. A person can have multiple phone and email addresses of which one will be designated the primary phone and primary email.

One of the configurations that can be easily made to help protect privacy is to use a hover-over dialog box when only the identifier field of the person is used and displayed. The hover-over dialog pops-up to show additional details from the person record, for example their display name, primary phone and primary email.

A new person is created in Active state. There is an action to change status, to inactive or back to active again.

A person can have a supervisor and the supervisor can also have their supervisor field entered with their manager. This creates a person hierarchy which is used in some areas of Maximo, for example Desktop Requisitions and Workflow. A person can also have a default location and site, and a shipping and billing address. The person’s default location can be used as the default on new service requests.

There are other fields on the person record including language, locale and time zone which are available for the user to change when they are logged-in, by using the Profile button. There are fields for controlling defaults in Workflow and also for recording the details of a procurement card if one is held.

A person can be associated with one or more locations and assets as a user or custodian of the asset and an action is provided in the People application View Related Assets and Locations. There are actions in the Assets and Locations application called Associate Users and Custodians and this can be applied to multiple locations and assets in one action. You can also change the user and custodians when you use the Move/Modify action in several other Maximo applications.

If a person has an associated calendar, then their primary calendar can be updated with periods of unavailability or periods when they expect to be additionally available. The Modify Person Availability action is also available from the List tab and the changes can be applied to all the people selected using the Mass Modify button.

A person can be associated with one or more commodity groups and commodity codes using the action Associate Commodities. For example, a buyer may be associated with one or more commodity groups or specific commodity codes of a commodity group.

Person Groups

A person group is used widely but mainly on tickets and work orders to assign ownership to a group of people. There is a checkbox on the person group record to mark a person group as being used as a work group on a crew. A role can be defined that points to a Person Group and the role can then be used in Workflow and Communication Templates. A Person Group can be used as a contact group for services and as an audience for a bulletin board message.

A person can belong to many person groups. Both a person and a person group exist at the system level in Maximo. The person group has fields to identify who will act as the default for the group, for an organization, or a site.

The Person Group application shows two table windows and, in most cases, only the top table window of people will be used. The Alternates table window is used for identifying an alternate to the person in the top table window. Alternates are used in workflow during the assignment process. People in the person group are searched in sequence order and if all people in the top table window are unavailable then workflow will start searching through the alternates. When Maximo is being used with people who are on shifts the Workflow assignment process will consider whether the person is scheduled to be on-shift.


A craft represents a type of skill or trade that is assigned to work. A craft may have multiple skill levels, for example first class, second class, apprentice, where the hourly rate reflects a person who performs work at the craft-skill level. Labor records are assigned to a craft or craft-skill level and the hourly rate used by that person is either inherited from the craft-skill or can be specific to the person.

Crafts and/or craft-skills can be associated with vendors who have hourly rates they charge you when work is performed requiring a particular skill or trade. These outside rates may also be referenced on a labor rate contract that defines the hourly rate to be used. The labor associated with the labor rate contract will also be referenced in the Crafts application on the Associated Labor tab.

Hourly rates used at times beyond the normal work hours of a shift may be defined against the craft. The action Manage Premium Pay Codes defines the premium pay code, its description and a rate type. The multiplier rate type multiplies the hourly rate by a multiplier rate, for example 1.25 for hours greater than the shift hours, 1.5 times for Saturday working. The increment rate type adds an additional hourly rate to the standard rate for a particular premium pay code. The hourly rate type overwrites the standard rate when a particular premium pay code is used. A checkbox can allow one or more premium pay codes to always be added to new crafts, alternatively, they can be added at the bottom of the Crafts tab. The premium pay codes are specific to a craft and are not defined for a specific craft-skill level or vendor.

Crafts can also be made available to crews. There is a checkbox on the craft record for this, alternatively there is the action Make Available to Crews which will set this field for all crafts in the selected set. The View Crew Requirements action shows the crew types and crews that reference the craft.


A labor record is someone who is assigned and performs work. When creating a new labor record Maximo assumes that you will associate the labor record with a person record with the same identifier. If the person record hasn’t already been created, then Maximo will create an information message asking whether a person record should be created with the same identifier. It is good practise to align both the person and labor identifiers, but it isn’t mandatory.

A labor record is defined at the organization level, a person record is defined at the system level. If a person works across multiple organizations then they will need more than one labor record.

A labor record has a status which defaults to active and can be changed to inactive, this is independent of the status on their person record. However, making a person inactive will also make their labor record(s) inactive. If you want to make a labor record active again you will need to first set the person record to be active, then make the labor record active.

A labor record can belong to multiple crafts. The hourly rate can differ depending on the craft and is normally defaulted from the craft-skill record, but it can be modified. One of the crafts will be defined as the default craft for the labor. Assignments are normally made by matching the craft required on work to labor that have that craft as their default craft, but assignments can match to the secondary craft of a labor record. If a craft has multiple skill levels, then you only assign the highest skill level of a craft to a labor record. If a person was an electrician first class they can be assigned to work that only requires an electrician second class, but the reverse is not true, work requiring an electrician first class cannot be assigned a labor that is an electrician second class.

A person with a labor record can have multiple qualifications linked to this labor record. These qualifications are those specific to performing certain jobs whether externally acquired or internally, for example, a person is trained on a specific safety procedure. Some qualifications can expire after a period and need to be renewed in time for the labor to continue to perform jobs that require that qualification. Each labor qualification has its own status, active or inactive and the qualification can be extended or renewed.

A labor record may have an inventory location. The action Create Labor Inventory Location creates a location of type LABOR. This is a transit location like the location type COURIER. Transit locations maintain a balance of an item. You use an Inventory Usage document to transfer in and then transfer out to another storeroom. Labor inventory locations can also be used for rotating assets (items or tools) which are loaned to others via a reservation and then returned to the owner who is responsible for those assets and their maintenance.

As labor record their time against work orders or other activities there is an action to zero their year to date values for regular hours, premium hours and overtime refused hours.


Qualifications are acquired by a person and associated with their labor record. The qualifications application is used for defining the qualification and determining whether a certificate is required, the duration of the qualification and how much the qualification must be used during that period.

In the Labor tab you can see who has a particular qualification and their expiration dates, you can change the qualification status and extend/renew a qualification for a person.

You can associate a craft and optionally a skill level to the qualification. The labor who are assigned to this craft-skill level should have and should maintain that qualification. Similarly, you can specify the tools that require operators of those tools to have this qualification. Crews also have required qualifications (see later).

A qualification record exists at the Organization level and has a status of active with a Change Status action that can move it to inactive.

Crew Types

Crew Types is a template for Crews. A crew is a group of labor that are assigned work and travel together to perform that work. It would normally be two or more persons, it could be one person but that would be considered unusual.

A crew type is the required craft-skills, qualifications and tools that will need to be fulfilled by the members of a crew. Before a crew type can be created the positions in the crew need to be defined in the ALN domain called AMCREWPOSITION. Each position in the crew will be filled by a labor that has a certain craft-skill level. Only the craft records that have been set to be available for use with crews can be selected. A quantity of the same craft-skill is achieved by having multiple positions that require the same craft-skill.

The hourly rate of the crew is calculated from the sum of the hourly rates of each craft-skill associated with the crew type, but the calculated value can be overridden with a new rate.

A crew type can also require a set of tools, the tool sequence field makes each record unique so that a quantity of the same tool can be entered. As the tools are added, if there are any qualifications required for the use of those tools they are also added to the crew type. Additional qualifications can be added and linked to a crew type position or alternatively a quantity given meaning that there must be at least this number of persons in a crew that hold this qualification. Only the tool records that have been set to be available for use with crews can be selected.

Crew types are defined at the Organization level. They are created at a status of active and there is a Change Status action to change the status to inactive.

You can add a crew type to a job plan or work order in the same way as you can add a craft-skill requirement.


A crew is based on a crew type which is a mandatory field, and which acts as a template for the crew. The new crew receives a copy of the required crafts, tools and qualifications from the crew type. If you update the crew type definition it does not update associated crews the user will need to manually update the crews as necessary.

After the crew has been created you can add additional craft-skills, qualifications and required tools. A crew may have a set of required qualifications. These may be the required qualifications for the use of a tool, the qualifications associated with a particular crew position, or just a qualification needed to be met by one of the team assigned to the crew. A quantity may also be added to the qualification, for example two persons should be qualified to drive the truck.

A crew should have a calendar and shift, and this can be updated with periods of unavailability or periods when the crew is expected to be additionally available. The Modify Crew Availability action is available from the List tab and the changes can be applied to all the crews selected using the Mass Modify button.

A crew normally works from a work location/site. There are a set of fields used to control aspects of Maximo’s location-based services, how often the GPS position of the crew should be refreshed, whether the location is based on the GPS position of one of the labor records rather than the GPS position of the vehicle the crew is using, the normal start and end locations for the crew. Location-based services also applies to labor records.

The crew has a set of work positions where each position has a required craft-skill level. The Labor Assignments tab is where you assign labor to a particular position for a period of time, the end date may be left open. The labor record chosen for the position should match the craft-skill level requirements, the person should also meet the qualification requirements for the position. While the Select Value lookup defaults to the same craft-skill level it is not enforced.

The Tool Assignments tab is where you assign tools to match the required tools for a period of time, the end date may be left open. The tool record chosen for the position should match the tool requirements. While the Select Value lookup defaults to the same tool number it is not enforced but can be easily made to do so by making the field read-only.

As you make labor and tools assignments Maximo will assess the assignment and various warnings will be given. You cannot make assignments with an effective date in the past. The action Crew Assignment Status shows the labor, tool and qualification requirements and there is a status field to indicate whether these requirements are being met by the assignments you make. The Requirement Status field will start at NOT ASSIGNED and if a perfect match is made will change to OK. If the assigned labor is not available for the required calendar and shift or the person has already been assigned elsewhere then the status will show as NOT AVAILABLE. If the labor assigned to a position does not meet the qualifications of the position the qualification status will show as NOT QUALIFIED. If the skill level of a position is not at the required level it will indicate that the requirement has not been met, REQ NOT MET, etc.

Partial day assignments are supported for both labor and tool assignments, an assignment being able to be made between an effective date and an end date on the same day. Dates default to the start and end of a shift. The same position in the crew should not be filled by two persons, their assignments should not overlap. For example, John Smith, an electrician works the first half of a shift from 07:00 to 10:59 and Jayne Jones works the second half of the shift from 11:00 to 15:00. Both John and Jayne are assigned to the same position.

The Unrestricted Row button allows you to create a new position that did not exist on the crew type and it is also used to resolve assignment conflicts. For example, if you wish to assign a labor for a period of time but that person is already assigned elsewhere on an open-ended assignment, Maximo will end the current assignment and create a new one to start after the end of the new assignment created through the Unrestricted Row dialog. With this button you are only adding a new assignment, but Maximo handles the existing assignments in order to fit around it.

Actions exist to allow a user to view, for a range of dates, a person’s labor assignments, or the crew assignments (labor assignments and tool assignments). An action also exists to view the actual history of a crew over a range of dates. In other Maximo applications crews are handled in a similar manner to crafts, you can plan them on Job Plans, plan them on a work order, assign them while using the Assignment Manager application, and report time for members of the crew in the Labor Reporting application. The Maximo Scheduler add-on product graphically assigns crews in a similar manner to assigning labor to a craft requirement and there is a Gantt based application called Graphical Crew Management for managing the assignments of labor and tools to the crew.

Crews are defined at the Organization level. They are created at a status of active and there is a Change Status action to change the status to inactive.

5 responses to “Maximo Application Maps (8 of 9) Resources”

  1. Geoff Stokes avatar
    Geoff Stokes

    is there any way in which a person can be added to a poline as a requestor and then auto populate the debit gl account for the line from reference data.
    I see it can happen from workorder; Location or asset or be manually added but I thought it could also be auto populated from a person record (or the location linked to a person record)
    do you have any ideas about setting up this requirement?
    Thanks Geoff

    1. maximosecrets avatar

      Hi Geoff, There is a GLACCOUNT field on LABORCRAFTRATE table that I believe is defaulted from an internal/external resource code which you can find in the Chart of Accounts – Resource codes action. LABORCRAFTRATE is the object behind Associated Labor in Crafts application. I think if you use a partial GL code here, say 3rd segment, it will be merged on the LABTRANS records DEBITGLACCOUNT with the other segments that are on the WORKORDER.GLACCOUNT. I haven’t tested this, just something dug out of long term memory, hope I was right, let me know.

      1. maximosecrets avatar

        Sorry Geoff, in my first reply I missed that you said PO line, so my answer would be wrong, it would only work for actual labor reporting. On POLine a defaulted GL segment comes from a commodity, see the Resource Codes action.

      2. Geoff Stokes avatar
        Geoff Stokes

        That is the standard behaviour I thought might be – so It looks like if we issue parts to a person direct and want a GL associated with him/her, we’d need to add an automation script basing the defaulted GL Debit account on data associated with the person, or use a labor location to provide the GL.

        Thanks for checking into this for me

  2. […] Maximo has several interrelated objects People, Person Group, Users, Labor, Craft, Qualifications, etc. Sometimes is difficult to understand the real differences between them. In this post I will provide a quick overview of these concepts. For more details you can refer to this excellent Maximo Secrets application Map. […]

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