Ticket Statuses

Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by maximosecrets

The status levels of a Service Request, Incident or Problem are the same. They are NEW, QUEUED, PENDING, INPROG (In Progress), RESOLVED, and CLOSED. The Synonym Domain SRSTATUS has CANCELLED and REJECTED as synonyms of CLOSED. There is also a status level for HISTEDIT that supports the action Edit History Service Request.

We’ll focus on the Service Request status flow. The status flows for Incident and Problem are the same except there is no REJECTED or CANCELLED statuses.

The status progression would be normally NEW, QUEUED, INPROG, RESOLVED and CLOSED. You do not need to go through the PENDING status. In fact, you can move to any status other than NEW from any other status, except when you get to the level of CLOSED, you can then only move between CLOSED, REJECTED and CANCELLED. 

What I have drawn are the most likely status flow scenarios.

When you use the Insert key the Reported Date is set, and the status will be NEW. When you progress through QUEUED and then change status to INPROG for the first time the Actual Start date is set. When you change status to RESOLVED for the first time the Actual Finish date is set. The Actual Contact date is not set automatically.

At any status when you first use the actions Take Ownership or Select Owner the status will be changed to QUEUED. This includes if the status is at PENDING or INPROG but not at RESOLVED. For this reason, it is good practise to assign ownership to a team (person group) or a person early in the business process of managing a ticket.

Change Status

There is nothing surprising about the Change Status dialog it has the Status Date and Memo fields as will be found in many other status change dialogs across Maximo. Here, I have just created a new service request 1287, it is at NEW status and the drop-down for the New Status field shows the 7 other status options. I’ll change status to Queued.

There are four quick action buttons that change status:

These buttons and the Change Status action are all available from the List tab and can be applied to multiple Service Requests.

View History

The View History action shows both a status history as well as an ownership history. I first changed status to QUEUED, then used the action Take Ownership. I am logged in as WILSON – Mike Wilson. The Take Ownership and Select Owner actions will write to the Ownership History table. If I had used the Take Ownership action first, then the status will have also been changed to QUEUED, therefore, quicker to use Take Ownership or Select Owner when dealing with a NEW service request.

Edit History Service Request

If I use the Edit History Service Request action while at a status of QUEUED, I will get the error message “BMXAA4279E – Ticket must have a close status to edit the history.” Edit History only works on a Service Request at CLOSED, CANCELLED or REJECTED status.

When the service request reaches the level of CLOSED it will become read-only and you need to use the action Edit History Service Request to modify it. If you make changes then an HISTEDIT status change will be written to the status history. Bear in mind that if you have Edit Mode enabled for the Service Request then you will need to go into Edit Mode in addition to using the action Edit History Service Request.

Edit History mode only works for the current service request. If you navigate away to another service request or return to the List tab, you will cancel Edit History and would need to use the action again. The Save button also brings you out of Edit History mode.

Almost all fields can be changed while in Edit History mode, except Location, Asset, Asset Site and the GL Account. Ownership changes are possible as are new Work Log records and new related ticket and work order records.

Some actions are not possible:

The Change Status action will not be visible for a service request at CLOSED, CANCELLED or REJECTED status. The other actions for changing to a particular status will also be hidden. They are available from the List tab, but you will find that you cannot change status, an error message will be provided. When a service request has reached CLOSED, CANCELLED or REJECTED state the History (HISTORYFLAG) attribute is set to 1. It will then disappear from the List tab unless you specifically query for the closed records from the Advanced Search. 

3 responses to “Ticket Statuses”

  1. BB34734 avatar

    This was very helpful. Thanks.
    The notes about when date entries happen (actual start, finish, etc.) are good.

  2. […] To remind ourselves of the different Ticket Statuses they are NEW, QUEUED, PENDING, INPROG, RESOLVED, CLOSED. For a Service Request there are also two synonyms of CLOSED, CANCELLED and REJECTED. There is an article on this subject which you can find here: http://maximosecrets.com/2021/10/21/ticket-statuses/ […]

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