
Linear Assets (10) – Condition Monitoring

Last Updated on October 29, 2023 by maximosecrets

This article covers Linear Asset changes on the Condition Monitoring application including how to generate work orders, which includes settings in Organizations and Cron Task Setup applications. The article finishes with Meter Readings on the Work Order Tracking application.

Condition Monitoring

Linear is also supported in the Condition Monitoring application when you add a measurement. I’ve created a Condition Monitoring Point 1006 – Reduce Speed on I-95N, and against Asset I-95N and meter AVSPEED01. To save the condition monitoring record you will need to enter the upper/lower action/warning limits and either a Job Plan or PM for the upper and lower limits.

Further down the Condition Monitoring application you can use New Row in the Measurements table and enter a measurement and measurement date for the meter. The Linear Segment Details default to those from the asset meter. Here we are recording the average speed from a camera which is 1,000 FEET after mile point MP 20, at 20.19 MILES from the start of I-95N.

After save, the measurement and measurement data, including the linear measures can be modified. I’ve changed the measurement from 32.00 to 34.00 and moved the point at which we took the measurement to mile post 30, MP 30. When taking a measurement, you can say where along the linear asset the measurement was taken.

Note. Linear Measure Data fields exist on the MEASUREPOINT table, but they are not used. If this was a fixed point you could use these fields to indicate exactly where the camera was positioned.

When a Condition Monitoring Point is created the unique key POINTNUM is added to the corresponding asset meter record. In the Assets application and Meters tab, for the field titled Point, you can see the value of 1006.

We’ll enter a meter reading for the AVSPEED01 of 15 mph.

With a point now established the meter reading will be shown in the Measurements table for the Condition Monitoring Point. The measurement of 15.00 is shown at the Start/End Measure, which is referenced on the asset meter record, the point 1000 FEET from mile post MP 20, at 20.19 MILES along the linear asset.

Note. When the meter reading was taken on the Assets application we could have changed where along the linear asset the meter reading was being taken.

The action Generate Work Order can now be used because the measurement of 15.00 has dropped outside of the action limits between 20.00 and 55.00. The Job Plan to apply has been picked-up from the Lower Limit Job Plan – 12 MPH RED.

Once the work order has been generated it will be visible in the History table window – work order 1511 was generated.

In the Work Order Tracking application and for work order 1511, the generation of the work order from the Condition Monitoring application has copied over the linear measures from the measurement record to the work order’s Linear Segment Details section.

This allows a Gauge or Characteristic meter reading made against the linear asset to generate a work order if it falls outside of the action limits at any point along the linear asset. 

If the measurement details of a meter reading are not modified this will be considered a fixed point or segment defined by the linear asset’s meter. If the measurement details of a meter reading are modified this will be considered a floating point or segment along the linear asset. It is down to an implementation on whether to accept fixed or floating meter readings for the different types of meter. It would be a good enhancement if when defining an asset meter, you could determine whether the measurement details were modifiable or not. There is no current Maximo feature for this.

Generate Work Orders for Floating Measures and Observations

A floating measurement where Gauge measurements or Characteristic observations are made at different places along the linear asset raises an issue with work order generation in that work order generation only considers the last measurement or observation. For example, I might have raised five measures or observations all of which fail the action limits. The manual action Generate Work Order does not cater for this, however automatic work order generation via a Cron Task does. This will require a setting to be made in the Organizations application and PM options and a Cron Task to be configured.

Organizations – PM Options – Stand-alone Linear Asset Measurement Work Order Generation Process Settings

In the Organizations application and PM Options action there is a section called Stand-alone Linear Asset Measurement Work Order Generation Process Settings with two field:

If you are using floating measurements and observations, then you need to check the field and add an email address to gather the information.

Cron Task – LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask

In the Cron Task Setup application there is a cron task called LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask. I’ve added a Cron Task Instance and set a schedule of every 5 minutes so that I can test this. The cron task instance has been made active.

There are 5 parameters:

Now we will test this by entering meter readings from a work order.

Work Order Tracking – Enter Meter Readings

In the same way you can enter meter readings on the Assets application you can also enter meter readings on the Work Order Tracking and Quick Reporting applications. The work order references asset I-95N and the action Enter Meter Readings is used. I will enter 4 meter readings in quick succession for the meter AVSPEED01 which we have used previously. The first is a new meter reading of 10 taken at 09:00 this morning.

In the Condition Monitoring application for point 1006 which references asset I-95N and meter AVSPEED01 the 4 new measurements can be seen. 10 at 09:00, 12 at 10:00, 11 at 11:00 and 11.5 at 12:00. All of these measurements are below the Lower Action Limit. Notice I did not change the Start and End Measure for any of the measurements because I wanted to see what would happen when the Cron Task runs.

After the Cron Task has run, I was a little surprised because I got 5 work orders generated instead of 4 which is what I expected, but this can be explained.

On the MEASUREMENTS object there is a YORN field called EVALUATEDFORWOGEN which defaults to 0 and is set to 1 after the Cron Task LinearMeasurementWoGenCronTask has run, so that it is not considered again the next time the cron task runs. The reason I got 5 new workorders being generated was because there was a previous measurement made yesterday at 17:58 for a measurement of 15 MPH which was below the Lower Action limit of 20.00.

The email notification I received from the Organizations – PM Options included this message:

BMXAA9759I – Work order 1512 generated from measure point 1006 for linear asset I-95N [Start Measure: 20,19 and End Measure: 20,19] based on meter AVSPEED01 measurement of 15 taken on 28-2-22 17:58 (measurementid=61).

Therefore, if you make the cron task active and you have existing measurement records then you should probably set EVALUATEDFORWOGEN to 1 first, so that historical measurements are not considered. This should only be needed for MEASUREMENT records where ISLINEAR=1.

The reason I made all of the readings at the same measure along the linear asset at 20.19 MILES was to illustrate that if you have fixed cameras, you will get one work order record being created for each measurement record that is outside of the action limits. You would only want this to happen where each measurement is at different points along the linear asset, the measures are different, it is what I have been referring to as a floating meter. To work around this, create a script to set EVALUATEDFORWOGEN to 1 on any previous measurement record with ISLINEAR=1 that has the same Start and End Measure as the measurement being recorded. Ideally it would be solved if you specified whether the asset meter was fixed or floating.

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