Service Address

Last Updated on November 19, 2022 by maximosecrets

serviceaddressA Service Address is used to represent a physical location where labor or crews are sent to perform work. The ship to, bill to, or other types of address used in the Supply Chain applications are not service addresses, these are addresses defined in the Organizations application.

Service Addresses are at the organization level but they can be associated with a site. They have a set of address fields, a formatted address and latitude (Y), longitude (X) for positioning spatially. A service address can exist in a multilevel hierarchy, there is a hidden parent field. The reference point and directions can be used for providing information on more difficult to find addresses.

There is a Map tab for helping to locate the latitude (Y) and longitude (X) of the service address. Enter an address or post code in the Formatted Address field and press the button “Find Location”, this will locate the address spatially. The map point can be repositioned on the map to the exact position and hopefully the formatted address will pick up the exact address from the map provider, if not the formatted address can be amended. Position first on the map before amending the formatted address otherwise repositioning will just change it back again. The Map Manager application is used to set up access to a map provider, Google, Bing or ESRI.

In Organizations application there is an action and dialogue box called Service Address Options. This has a number of options one of which is to control whether structured or unstructured street addresses are being used, the default is not which accounts for why an error message is displayed when pressing the button next to the Street Address field.

In Locations and Assets applications there are primary address fields on the main tab which would need to be configured for your part of the world and a Service Address tab. In these two applications you can use the option to Create New Service Address from the detail menu without having to use the Go To. When finding a spatial position on the Map Tab for the first time then a right-click at a map position will give an option “Set record location” which when clicked sets the map point and formatted address.

Locations can belong to an Address System and assets can inherit their Service Address from their location. Service Requests and other ticket types, work orders and other work order classes can then inherit the service address when a location or asset is referenced on them – see Inheriting Service Addresses.

There is an action Spatial Scheduling Travel Time in Service Address application for setting the travel time between two service addresses – see Travel Time Matrix.

2 responses to “Service Address”

  1. […] are three existing Maximo Secrets articles on Service Addresses, one about the application , the Service Address Options in the Organizations […]

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